
and the

Pesky Puppy


Deb's daughter, Railla publishes her first 
"MasterMinds Story Series" Children's Book... 
"KitKat and the Pesky Puppy"
an Interactive Storybook that follows 
the antics of KitKat as her family gets a new puppy!


A note from the Author...


Hello Friend! 


I am Railla Jenée Bradley.  My name is pronounced: with a long “I”,

like “Rye-la.”  It is the Lithuanian maiden name of my Grandmother,
Gloria Jeanne Railla Blanchette. 
I never met her, but she is always an inspiration to me, and I know she watches down on me from Heaven…


I am eleven years old, and I LOVE learning about, and playing with all kinds of animals.  (My Mom calls me “Snow White.”)  I am a home school student who loves to write and draw.  I like to sing, I am an acolyte at my church, and I am learning to play the piano.  One of the characters in this book is Kathi. 
She is my WONDERFUL piano teacher. 


The motivation for this story, is from KitKat, Molly & Zoey…who are the loving pets of my “GrandNeighbor’s,” Kathi & Jim Austin, in Texas.

My Mom, Deborah Blanchette Bradley is my teacher, and the Tutor for my Master’s Class at our Classical Conversations Home School Co-op.


My Mom challenged me, along with the rest of my classmates to write a story, and she promised to help us all turn our stories into a book…

so we could become published authors. 


I am very proud of my first book, “KitKat and the Pesky Puppy
and am hopeful to publish more stories, soon!


What is an Interactive Storybook?
This book has been lovingly created to share MORE than just a story…

It will include Footnotes, for words that will enhance the reader’s vocabulary and it also contains fun games at the end.  I hope you enjoy reading and learning in this book, as much as my Mom & I enjoyed creating it! 





In the summer of 2018, Deb was diagnosed with breast cancer and positive for the BRCA cancer gene.  Although caught early...thanks to a routine mammogram,

what followed was many long months of treatments, surgeries and radiation. 


The journey was long, hard and painful, with little time or energy left 

for something she enjoyed SO much...writing.  


As of January, 2019, all things are well (Praise God!) and she is endeavoring to complete a new book, including "Kit Kat & the Pesky Puppy" 

as soon as the Lord sees it happening...


She is grateful to her family, all of her caregivers and those 

who prayed for her restored health.  You are ALL such a blessing!

Contact Us Today!

Deborah Blanchette Bradley

Phone: 1-800-886-6119

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